Pierwsze spojrzenie na Old Man Logan #1

Old Man Logan to jedna z serii, które zostaną opublikowane w ramach Secret Wars v. 3. W środę w sieci pojawiły się pierwsze plansze i okładki z tego komiksu. Poniżej przedstawiamy oficjalne info prasowe, a grafiki znajdziecie w rozwinięciu postu.

Your eyes do not deceive you! Secret Wars has made the impossible possible and the battle-weary hero returns to the fray in OLD MAN LOGAN #1! From superstar writer Brian Michael Bendis and rising star artist Andrea Sorrentino comes a brand-new Secret Wars series returning fans to one of the most revered and iconic X-Men stories of all time! Welcome back to the Wastelands, a land dominated by victorious super villains. The heroes of this land have all perished – butchered by their arch-enemies. Tyrants, terrors and madmen rule over this dusty waste. Hope left this land long ago. But there is one man who may yet make a difference. A man with nothing to lose!

Now, amidst the fire and the fury, a reluctant warrior pops his claws once more! And the war for Battleworld is brewing in his own backyard. As the event of Secret Wars unfold, will he find his life’s mission to rid the world of evil more attainable – or more futile than ever before? Find as a hero is reforged in the crucible of Battleworld. The journey begins with a resounding SNIKT the X-Man formerly known as Wolverine crashes into Secret Wars in OLD MAN LOGAN #1!


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